There are two things I’d like to address this morning: Jamie Foxx’s comments at the BET Music Awards and Perez Hilton’s recent song and dance over the fact that he got punched in the face for mouthing off to Black Eye Pea’s member Will.I.Am.
If you missed this year’s 09’ BET Music Awards – a tribute show to The Late King of Pop, Michael Jackson – you missed a heck of a show. Artists from every genre and every generation were there to give a proper tribute to Jackson after his recent passing last Thursday. Everything from the cover songs to Janet Jackson addressing the public for the first time since her brother’s death served Michael Jackson as a great entertainer and kind human being. The sad thing, however, is that Jamie Foxx ruined it all with his comments towards the end of the show. Foxx went on an over-the-top rant about Michael Jackson – and I’m paraphrasing – explaining that MJ was a “black man that we all let you borrow.”
My question is simple: Why? Why the hell was race mentioned? Last time I checked everyone knew Michael Jackson was black, and those who didn’t probably didn’t give a damn what color he was or what he appeared to be. The message that Jackson conveyed through his music and his charitable donations with children was far bigger than race. Nobody ever saw a 9-year old Jackson on stage in 1967 and said “Wow, look at that black boy,” because nobody cared. People related to Jackson for over 4 decades because of what he did and not what he looked like. Quite frankly, I’m getting sick and tired of Foxx taking every opportunity to strengthen his own agenda. Furthermore, why was he hosting the show?
Maybe someone can help me understand this. Because when I think of Jamie Foxx I think of In Living Color or Ray. I give the man his respect as a great actor, but as a musician who has to rely on Auto-Tuner to get a number one hit on the charts, I find it embarrassing that he was even allowed to cover a Michael Jackson song. Jackson’s music was about the experience – it wasn’t just lyrics and dancing or race.
BET did a great job producing the show. It’s just sad that people who saw the whole thing will be left buzzing about what a moron Jamie Foxx was and not what the show was really supposed to convey – the life of Michael Jackson, the greatest performer the world will ever see.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Can you imagine if a white person were to stand on stage and proclaim Elvis Presley as a “White man that we just let ya’ll borrow.” I sure hope Al Sharpton doesn’t get wind of this. I wonder what Don Imus is thinking.
Moving on to Perez Hilton, Boy I’m getting sick of this character. How do you openly criticize anyone who has a problem with homosexuals, yet find yourself dropping the “F” word – faggot – to a straight man in an attempt to degrade him? I’m willing to bet if this clown wasn’t gay his blog probably would be viewed about as much as mine. I know you need some kind of gimmick to appeal to the masses, but whatever happened to originality? When you have to rely on using an alias that represents Paris Hilton in order to generate revenue that says something about your writing ability. The guy is getting paid so I can’t blame his strategy. I just find it odd that everyone is still listening.
Cry me a river, Perez. Ya flippin’ moron.
Where'd my damn comment go? Hell I think I got distracted and forgot to hit post. ANYWAY, I will make this one shorter....I think the fact that this was aired on the BLACK Entertainment Television network by a BLACK man that excuses the faux pas. Now if it were on ABC by Justin Timberlake I would agree. Also, let us look at the fact that a lot of people look at Michael Jackson as Michael Jackson, not as that black guy Michael Jackson. He is probably the most well known entertainer EVER and I think the black community also wants to share that with the world, I'm sure that is viewed as a success and who doesn't want to share their successes? When someone you share a bond with succeeds the natural inclination is to not only share in that success, but let people know the bond you shared. In this case, the bond being the blackness.