Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pyromaniacs, No, Not Really

LISTENING TO: "Laughing With" - Regina Spektor

I realize it's pretty late and I should be sleeping, but as I was walking by the computer room towards my bedroom to turn in, I decided that I should just blog a few quick thoughts for the night. It is my belief, anyway, that I do my best writing at night listening to music. No real way to tell if that is the truth or not. I guess you will have to be the judge.

To start off the Holiday weekend I traveled up to our cabin in Brohman, Michigan with my Dad and brother. Before I go any further, let me clarify that we do not have running water up there so that is where the picture above is from -- my attempt to wash my hair in the ice cold crick water. We usually all go up there for boe and riffle season but occasionally I try to get up during the summer to mess around. This week was more about geting stuff done, though. Over the last 6 months to a year I've dropped off trailor load after trailor load of wood and old paneling from the house I began remodeling at the tail end of 2007. I just recently dropped off a bunch of concrete that I demolished from an old shed in the backyard and with boe season right around the corner we needed to get things burned, moved or just out of the way.

It wasn't ALL work though. I got curious and filled up two milk jugs with gasoline and then set them close to the fire, only to fire a .22 shell into them to watch the explosion. It was so intense that I grabbed a half used bottle of "OFF" and went against those "do not use in heat or puncture" warnings that you always hear about as a kid; yeah, I drilled another .22 shell through it and watched it catch fire. I'm not a pyro-maniac, honest to God. It's amazing what bordem can bring you to do. Never the less, the experiences up there are always worth the time spent.

I stopped up in Whitecloud at my buddies and had a few adult beverages, played a little pool and shot the shit with a few locals that were hanging around. The locals in the area always leaving me walking away shaking my head ... in agood way, of course. I'll get more into the meaning behind the experiences up there later this week. You can expect that. Oh, on another non-related note, I saw The Hangover on Thursday night. Hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. Let me tell you, or better yet, I should have Shawn tell you about one of his most recent and will be one of the most memorable patients he had. This guy was doing the same damn thing. Young and full of testosterone and loving the thrill of fire. He walked on his own into the ER a few weeks ago. SCREAMING at the top of his lungs that he was on fire. Shawn comes around the corner to see wtf is going on and there is this guy naked except for cowboy boots. 2nd and 3rd degree burns from head to cowboy boot. He lived about 2 days. He also thought that'd be fun and that he was far enough back, even the garage that was even further behind him started on fire. It was just his dumb luck that the shit exploded directly in his direction. Should have gone straight up, but nope, his friends had to put his ass out and drive him to the ER. Early 20s, he's dead. Now cut that shit out before you get put over someone's knee. You should know better.

    P.S. Don't make me school you about your "boe and riffle" season.
